Sunday, August 21, 2011

T'was the Night Before the 1st Day of School

Kaylie's teacher, Miss Trick, gave us (parents) the most adorable little story to read to our kids the night before Kindergarten. I was so excited to lay Kaylie down in bed to read the story to her...however first things first.

Getting the kids ready for bed-EASY! Getting the kids in bed-EASY! Getting Kaylie & Kendra to actually STAY in bed-NOT SO EASY!

So finally we get to story time.

Sweet Dreams!

The night before school is exciting and fun,
there are always so many things to be done.

Your clothes are ready, your backpack is too,
your classroom is full of fun things you will do.

But sometimes we all get the jitters down deep,
and that makes it hard to fall fast asleep.

So I've made this magic confetti for you,
full of promises for the whole year through.

On Sunday night when you lay down your head,
just sprinkle some under you pillow in bed.

The confetti will help you sleep through the night,
and wake up in the morning fresh and bright.

I'll sprinkle the confetti under my pillow, too,
because I am so super excited to see you.

Sweet Dreams!

Seriously, what an awesome idea for the little ones. Kaylie loved it and made sure it was still there a couple times when she was trying to fall asleep. Kendra finally got to bed, she was so anxious she wanted to stay up all night talking about tomorrow.

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