Monday, February 6, 2012

Kaylie is SIX!

My baby girl is six years old and I can remember the day she was born as if it was yesterday. I remember the hospital stay and how fun it was the first time around.

Kaylie is without a doubt Mommy's mini-me. 
She loves her friends to call her Kay Kay, thanks to her Grampy giving her that nickname. 
She always reminds Mommy to call her "Chicky-Poo", which is the nickname I gave her a couple years ago.
Kaylie loves music and listening to her ipod and playing with her karaoke machine.
Every chance she gets, she is outside and always happy when she is out there.
I love how well mannered Kaylie is and that she is so caring.
She is learning to play the piano and enjoys it very much, she's also pretty great at it.
The weekend was crazy so tonight we are doing Mommy/Daughter interview, taking 6 year pics 
and getting her measurements :) Stay tuned for that!

1 comment:

All because 2 people fell in Love!

In love!